Synthesizer Instrument[] getAvailableInstruments() Obtains a list of instruments that come with the synthesizer. MidiChannel[] getChannels() Obtains the set of MIDI channels controlled by this synthesizer. Soundbank getDefaultSoundbank() Obtains the default soundbank for the synthesizer, if one exists. long getLatency() Obtains the processing latency incurred by this synthesizer, expressed in microseconds. Instrument[] getLoadedInstruments() Obtains a list of the instruments that are currently loaded onto this Synthesizer. int getMaxPolyphony() Obtains the maximum number of notes that this synthesizer can sound simultaneously. VoiceStatus[] getVoiceStatus() Obtains the current status of the voices produced by this synthesizer. boolean isSoundbankSupported(Soundbank soundbank) Informs the caller whether this synthesizer is capable of loading instruments from the specified soundbank. boolean loadAllInstruments(Soundbank soundbank) Loads onto the Synthesizer all instruments contained in the specified Soundbank. boolean loadInstrument(Instrument instrument) Makes a particular instrument available for synthesis. boolean loadInstruments(Soundbank soundbank, Patch[] patchList) Loads the instruments referenced by the specified patches, from the specified Soundbank. boolean remapInstrument(Instrument from, Instrument to) Remaps an instrument. void unloadAllInstruments(Soundbank soundbank) Unloads all instruments contained in the specified Soundbank. void unloadInstrument(Instrument instrument) Unloads a particular instrument. void unloadInstruments(Soundbank soundbank, Patch[] patchList) Unloads the instruments referenced by the specified patches, from the MIDI sound bank specified. Sequencer int[] addControllerEventListener(ControllerEventListener listener, int[] controllers) Registers a controller event listener to receive notification whenever the sequencer processes a control-change event of the requested type or types. boolean addMetaEventListener(MetaEventListener listener) Registers a meta-event listener to receive notification whenever a meta-event is encountered in the sequence and processed by the sequencer. Sequencer.SyncMode getMasterSyncMode() Obtains the current master synchronization mode for this sequencer. Sequencer.SyncMode[] getMasterSyncModes() Obtains the set of master synchronization modes supported by this sequencer. long getMicrosecondLength() Obtains the length of the current sequence, expressed in microseconds. long getMicrosecondPosition() Obtains the current position in the sequence, expressed in microseconds. Sequence getSequence() Obtains the sequence on which the Sequencer is currently operating. Sequencer.SyncMode getSlaveSyncMode() Obtains the current slave synchronization mode for this sequencer. Sequencer.SyncMode[] getSlaveSyncModes() Obtains the set of slave synchronization modes supported by the sequencer. float getTempoFactor() Returns the current tempo factor for the sequencer. float getTempoInBPM() Obtains the current tempo, expressed in beats per minute. float getTempoInMPQ() Obtains the current tempo, expressed in microseconds per quarter note. long getTickLength() Obtains the length of the current sequence, expressed in MIDI ticks. long getTickPosition() Obtains the current position in the sequence, expressed in MIDI ticks. boolean getTrackMute(int track) Obtains the current mute state for a track. boolean getTrackSolo(int track) Obtains the current solo state for a track. boolean isRecording() Indicates whether the Sequencer is currently recording. boolean isRunning() Indicates whether the Sequencer is currently running. void recordDisable(Track track) Disables recording to the specified track. void recordEnable(Track track, int channel) Prepares the specified track for recording events received on a particular channel. int[] removeControllerEventListener(ControllerEventListener listener, int[] controllers) Removes a controller event listener's interest in one or more types of controller event. void removeMetaEventListener(MetaEventListener listener) Removes the specified meta-event listener from this sequencer's list of registered listeners, if in fact the listener is registered. void setMasterSyncMode(Sequencer.SyncMode sync) Sets the source of timing information used by this sequencer. void setMicrosecondPosition(long microseconds) Sets the current position in the sequence, expressed in microseconds void setSequence(InputStream stream) Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates. void setSequence(Sequence sequence) Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates. void setSlaveSyncMode(Sequencer.SyncMode sync) Sets the slave synchronization mode for the sequencer. void setTempoFactor(float factor) Scales the sequencer's actual playback tempo by the factor provided. void setTempoInBPM(float bpm) Sets the tempo in beats per minute. void setTempoInMPQ(float mpq) Sets the tempo in microseconds per quarter note. void setTickPosition(long tick) Sets the current sequencer position in MIDI ticks void setTrackMute(int track, boolean mute) Sets the mute state for a track. void setTrackSolo(int track, boolean solo) Sets the solo state for a track. void start() Starts playback of the MIDI data in the currently loaded sequence. void startRecording() Starts recording and playback of MIDI data. void stop() Stops recording, if active, and playback of the currently loaded sequence, if any. void stopRecording() Stops recording, if active. MidiChannel void allNotesOff() Turns off all notes that are currently sounding on this channel. void allSoundOff() Immediately turns off all sounding notes on this channel, ignoring the state of the Hold Pedal and the internal decay rate of the current Instrument. void controlChange(int controller, int value) Reacts to a change in the specified controller's value. int getChannelPressure() Obtains the channel's keyboard pressure. int getController(int controller) Obtains the current value of the specified controller. boolean getMono() Obtains the current mono/poly mode. boolean getMute() Obtains the current mute state for this channel. boolean getOmni() Obtains the current omni mode status. int getPitchBend() Obtains the upward of downward pitch offset for this channel. int getPolyPressure(int noteNumber) Obtains the pressure with which the specified key is being depressed. int getProgram() Obtains the current program number for this channel. boolean getSolo() Obtains the current solo state for this channel. boolean localControl(boolean on) Turns local control on or off. void noteOff(int noteNumber) Turns the specified note off. void noteOff(int noteNumber, int velocity) Turns the specified note off. void noteOn(int noteNumber, int velocity) Starts the specified note sounding. void programChange(int program) Changes a program (patch). void programChange(int bank, int program) Changes the program using bank and program (patch) numbers. void resetAllControllers() Resets all the implemented controllers to their default values. void setChannelPressure(int pressure) Reacts to a change in the keyboard pressure. void setMono(boolean on) Turns mono mode on or off. void setMute(boolean mute) Sets the mute state for this channel. void setOmni(boolean on) Turns omni mode on or off. void setPitchBend(int bend) Changes the pitch offset for all notes on this channel. void setPolyPressure(int noteNumber, int pressure) Reacts to a change in the specified note's key pressure. void setSolo(boolean soloState) Sets the solo state for this channel. Sequence Track createTrack() Creates a new, initially empty track as part of this sequence. boolean deleteTrack(Track track) Removes the specified track from the sequence. float getDivisionType() Obtains the timing division type for this sequence. long getMicrosecondLength() Obtains the duration of this sequence, expressed in microseconds. Patch[] getPatchList() Obtains a list of patches referenced in this sequence. int getResolution() Obtains the timing resolution for this sequence. long getTickLength() Obtains the duration of this sequence, expressed in MIDI ticks. Track[] getTracks() Obtains an array containing all the tracks in this sequence. Track boolean add(MidiEvent event) Adds a new event to the track. MidiEvent get(int index) Obtains the event at the specified index. boolean remove(MidiEvent event) Removes the specified event from the track. int size() Obtains the number of events in this track. long ticks() Obtains the length of the track, expressed in MIDI ticks. MidiEvent MidiMessage getMessage() Obtains the MIDI message contained in the event. long getTick() Obtains the time-stamp for the event, in MIDI ticks void setTick(long tick) Sets the time-stamp for the event, in MIDI ticks MidiMessage abstract Object clone() Creates a new object of the same class and with the same contents as this object. int getLength() Obtains the total length of the MIDI message in bytes. byte[] getMessage() Obtains the MIDI message data. int getStatus() Obtains the status byte for the MIDI message. protected void setMessage(byte[] data, int length) Sets the data for the MIDI message. ShortMessage Object clone() Creates a new object of the same class and with the same contents as this object. int getChannel() Obtains the MIDI channel associated with this event. int getCommand() Obtains the MIDI command associated with this event. int getData1() Obtains the first data byte in the message. int getData2() Obtains the second data byte in the message. protected int getDataLength(int status) Retrieves the number of data bytes associated with a particular status byte value. void setMessage(int status) Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes no data bytes. void setMessage(int status, int data1, int data2) Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes one or two data bytes. void setMessage(int command, int channel, int data1, int data2) Sets the short message parameters for a channel message which takes one or two data bytes.