[% META title = 'Forum thread' %]

[% thread.subject %]

[% thread.category %] - [% thread.board %]

[% IF thread.moderate %] Make this thread [% thread.sticky ? 'unsticky' : 'sticky' %] [% END %] [% IF c.user.id %] Mark thread as unread [% END %] [% createNewPostHr = 1 %] [% FOR post IN posts %] [% IF createNewPostHr AND post.unread%] [% createNewPostHr = 0 %]

New posts below:

[% END %]
[% post.username %] : [% post.time %] [% IF c.user.id %] Unread from here [% END %]
[% post.message %]
[% END %] [% IF c.user.id %] Mark thread as unread [% END %] [% IF thread.post %]
New Reply
[% END %] [% IF access.size > 0 %] [% hasaccess = 0 %]

The following ppl have access to this thread: [% FOR a IN access %] [% IF a.uid == UID; hasaccess = 1; END %] [% a.username %] [% END %]

[% IF hasaccess %]

Remove your access

[% END %] [% END %] [% IF thread.moderate %]

Move checked threads to:

Change thread access
[% END %] [% IF thread.post %] [% INCLUDE inc/markitup.tt2 %] [% END %]