####### DOCUMENTATIATOIAITAT ION ######## Files: Typechecker.hs: Simple modification of the bnfc-generated Testsyntax which calls the type-checking functions. Typecheck.hs: Contains the type-checking functions typeCheckExp, typeCheckVar and typeCheckStm and some utility functions, responsible for the entire type-checking process. Abssyntax.hs, Parsyntax.y, Lexsyntax.x,ErrM.hs,Printsyntax.hs,Skelsyntax.hs: The files generated by bnfc, only modification is the removal of the Bool type in Abssyntx.hs so haskell's internal type can be used. typing rules ++++++++++++ (t is little tau, T is large tau, E is 'in', and + is that other symbol) [Eq, NEq] T+ e1 Eq e2:bool <= T+ e1:t & T+ e2:t If e1 and e2 are of the same type, then Eq or NEq return bool [Plus, Minus, Times, Div] T+ e1 Plus e2:int <= T+ e1:int & T+ e2:int The operators Plus/Minus/Times/Div return int if both operands are ints [Lt, ELt, Gt, EGt] T+ e1 Lt e2:bool <= T+ e1:int & T+ e2:int The operators Lt/ELt/Gt/EGt return bool if both operands are ints [Assignment] T+ i := e:t <= i:t E T & T+ e:t The assignemnt of e to i returns type t if both i and e have type t. [ENeg] T+ ENeg e:int <= T+ e:int ENeg e returns int if e is of type int [ENot] T+ ENot e:bool <= e:bool ENot e returns bool if e is of type bool [EVar] T+ i:t <= i:t E T i has type t if i is defined in the context with type t. [EInt] T+ n:int n has type int [EBool] T+ b:bool b has type bool [EReadI] T+ n:int EReadI returns an int [EReadB] T+ b:bool EReadB returns a bool [EPost] T+ EPost i:int <= i:int E T EPost i is of type int if i is defined in T with type int. [SExp] T+ e <= T+ e:t [SBlock] T+ s;SBlock ss <= T+ s => T' , T'+ ss => T'' the first statment s, in the block, is typechecked in the context T and returns the context T', the rest of the block is then recursively typeckecked in the context T' [SIf] T+ if e then s1 else s2 <= T+ e:bool & T+ s1 & T+ s2 if e is of type bool and s1 and and s2 typechecks in the context T, then the same context is returned [SWhile] T+ while e do s <= T+ e:bool & T+ s If e is of type bool and s typechecks in context T then the same context is returned [SDecl] T+ t i = e => T,i:t <= i!ET & e:t if i and e are of the same type and i is not declared in the current scope then i is added with type t to the context. [SDeclD] T+ t i => T,i:t <= i!ET if i is not declared in the current scope, then i is added to the context with type t [SNoop] T+ s SNoops does nothing so the same context is returned [SPrint] T+ e <= T+ e:t if e has type t then SPrint returns the same context