]> ruin.nu Git - ndwebbie.git/commitdiff
Converted forum to catalyst.
authorMichael Andreen <harv@ruin.nu>
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 21:11:38 +0000 (23:11 +0200)
committerMichael Andreen <harv@ruin.nu>
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 21:11:38 +0000 (23:11 +0200)
16 files changed:
NDWeb/Forum.pm [deleted file]
NDWeb/Pages/Forum.pm [deleted file]
NDWeb/Pages/Forum/Search.pm [deleted file]
lib/NDWeb/Controller/Forum.pm [new file with mode: 0644]
root/src/forum/allUnread.tt2 [new file with mode: 0644]
root/src/forum/board.tt2 [new file with mode: 0644]
root/src/forum/index.tt2 [new file with mode: 0644]
root/src/forum/search.tt2 [new file with mode: 0644]
root/src/forum/thread.tt2 [new file with mode: 0644]
t/controller_Forum.t [new file with mode: 0644]
templates/forum.tmpl [deleted file]
templates/forum/search.tmpl [deleted file]
templates/viewthread.tmpl [deleted file]

diff --git a/NDWeb/Forum.pm b/NDWeb/Forum.pm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 810f547..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#   Copyright (C) 2006 by Michael Andreen <harvATruinDOTnu>               *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
-#   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
-#   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
-#                                                                         *
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
-#   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
-#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
-#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
-package NDWeb::Forum;
-use strict;
-use warnings FATAL => 'all';
-use CGI qw{:standard};
-use HTML::Template;
-use NDWeb::Include;
-require Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw/Exporter/; 
-our @EXPORT = qw/viewForumThread addForumPost addForumThread markThreadAsRead/;
-sub viewForumThread {
-       my ($thread) = @_;
-       my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => "templates/viewthread.tmpl", global_vars => 1, cache => 1);
-       $template->param(Id => $thread->{id});
-       $template->param(Post => $thread->{post});
-       my $posts = $ND::DBH->prepare(q{SELECT u.username,date_trunc('seconds',fp.time::timestamp) AS time,fp.message,COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE) AS unread
-FROM forum_threads ft JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) JOIN users u ON u.uid = fp.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
-WHERE ft.ftid = $1
-ORDER BY fp.time ASC
-       $posts->execute($thread->{id},$ND::UID) or $ND::ERROR .= p($ND::DBH->errstr);
-       my @posts;
-       my $old = 1;
-       while (my $post = $posts->fetchrow_hashref){
-               if ($old && $post->{unread}){
-                       $old = 0;
-                       $post->{NewPosts} = 1;
-               }
-               $post->{message} = parseMarkup($post->{message});
-               push @posts,$post;
-       }
-       if (defined param('cmd') && param('cmd') eq 'Preview'){
-               my $text = parseMarkup(escapeHTML(param('message')));
-               $text .= p b $@ if $@;
-               push @posts,{message => $text, unread => 1, username => 'PREVIEW', Time => 'Not submitted yet', NewPosts => $old ? 1 : 0};
-               $text = escapeHTML param('message');
-               $text =~ s/\x{3}\d\d?//g; #mirc color TODO: possibly match until \x{0F} and change to [color] block
-               $text =~ s/[^\x{9}\x{A}\x{D}\x{20}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]//g;
-               $template->param(Message => $text);
-       }
-       $template->param(Posts => \@posts);
-       markThreadAsRead($thread->{id});
-       return $template->output;
-sub addForumPost {
-       my ($dbh,$thread,$uid,$message) = @_;
-       my $insert = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO forum_posts (ftid,message,uid) VALUES($1,$2,$3)});
-       unless ($insert->execute($thread->{id},escapeHTML($message),$uid)){
-               $ND::ERROR .= p($dbh->errstr);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return 1;
-sub addForumThread {
-       my ($dbh,$board,$uid,$subject) = @_;
-       my $insert = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO forum_threads (fbid,subject,uid) VALUES($1,$2,$3)});
-       if ($insert->execute($board->{id},escapeHTML($subject),$uid)){
-               my $id = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,undef,undef,"forum_threads_ftid_seq");
-               return $dbh->selectrow_hashref(q{SELECT ftid AS id, subject, $2::boolean AS post FROM forum_threads WHERE ftid = $1}
-                       ,undef,$id,$board->{post})
-                       or $ND::ERROR .= p($dbh->errstr);
-       }else{
-               $ND::ERROR .= p($dbh->errstr);
-       }
-sub markThreadAsRead {
-       my ($thread) = @_;
-       my $rows = $ND::DBH->do(q{UPDATE forum_thread_visits SET time = now() 
-WHERE uid =    $1 AND ftid = $2},undef,$ND::UID,$thread);
-       if ($rows == 0){
-               $ND::DBH->do(q{INSERT INTO forum_thread_visits (uid,ftid) VALUES ($1,$2)}
-                       ,undef,$ND::UID,$thread) or $ND::ERROR .= p($ND::DBH->errstr);
-       }elsif(not defined $rows){
-               $ND::ERROR .= p($ND::DBH->errstr);
-       }
diff --git a/NDWeb/Pages/Forum.pm b/NDWeb/Pages/Forum.pm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1bd5793..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#   Copyright (C) 2006 by Michael Andreen <harvATruinDOTnu>               *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
-#   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
-#   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
-#                                                                         *
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
-#   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
-#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
-#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
-package NDWeb::Pages::Forum;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use NDWeb::Forum;
-use CGI qw/:standard/;
-use NDWeb::Include;
-use ND::Include;
-use base qw/NDWeb::XMLPage/;
-$NDWeb::Page::PAGES{forum} = __PACKAGE__;
-sub parse {
-       my $self = shift;
-       if ($self->{URI} =~ m{^/.*/allUnread}){
-               $self->{allUnread} = 1;
-       }elsif ($self->{URI} =~ m{^/.*/search(?:/(.*))?}){
-               bless $self, 'NDWeb::Pages::Forum::Search';
-               $self->{PAGE} = 'forum/search';
-       }
-sub render_body {
-       my $self = shift;
-       my ($BODY) = @_;
-       $self->{TITLE} = 'Forum';
-       my $DBH = $self->{DBH};
-       $DBH->do(q{UPDATE users SET last_forum_visit = NOW() WHERE uid = $1},undef,$ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-       my $board;
-       if(param('b')){
-               my $boards = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fb.fbid AS id,fb.board, bool_or(fa.post) AS post, bool_or(fa.moderate) AS moderate,fb.fcid
-                       FROM forum_boards fb NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa
-                       WHERE fb.fbid = $1 AND
-                               gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
-                       GROUP BY fb.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid
-               });
-               $board = $DBH->selectrow_hashref($boards,undef,param('b'),$ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-       }
-       if (param('markAsRead')){
-               my $threads = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid AS id,ft.subject
-                       ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread
-                       ,count(fp.fpid) AS posts, max(fp.time)::timestamp as last_post
-                       FROM forum_threads ft 
-                               JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
-                               LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
-                       WHERE ((ft.fbid IS NULL AND $1 IS NULL) OR ft.fbid = $1) AND fp.time <= $3
-                       GROUP BY ft.ftid, ft.subject
-                       HAVING count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) >= 1
-               });
-               $threads->bind_param('$1',$board->{id},{TYPE => DBI::SQL_INTEGER }) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $threads->bind_param('$2',$ND::UID,{TYPE => DBI::SQL_INTEGER }) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $threads->bind_param('$3',param('markAsRead')) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $threads->execute or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       markThreadAsRead $thread->{id};
-               }
-       }
-       my $thread;
-       if(param('t')){
-               my $findThread = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid AS id,ft.subject, bool_or(fa.post) AS post
-                       , bool_or(fa.moderate) AS moderate,ft.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid,ft.sticky
-                       FROM forum_boards fb NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa NATURAL JOIN forum_threads ft
-                       WHERE ft.ftid = $1 AND
-                               gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
-                       GROUP BY ft.ftid,ft.subject,ft.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid,ft.sticky
-               });
-               $thread = $DBH->selectrow_hashref($findThread,undef,param('t'),$ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-       }
-       if (defined param('cmd')){
-               if(param('cmd') eq 'Submit' or param('cmd') eq 'Preview'){
-                       $DBH->begin_work;
-                       if ($board && $board->{post}){
-                               $thread = addForumThread $DBH,$board,$ND::UID,param('subject');
-                       }
-                       if (param('cmd') eq 'Submit' and $thread && $thread->{post}){
-                               addForumPost($DBH,$thread,$ND::UID,param('message'));
-                               $self->{RETURN} = 'REDIRECT';
-                               $self->{REDIR_LOCATION} = "/forum?t=$thread->{id}#NewPosts";
-                       }
-                       $DBH->commit or warn $DBH->errstr;
-                       return if $self->{RETURN};
-               }
-               if(param('cmd') eq 'Move' && $board->{moderate}){
-                       $DBH->begin_work;
-                       my $moveThread = $DBH->prepare(q{UPDATE forum_threads SET fbid = $1 WHERE ftid = $2 AND fbid = $3});
-                       for my $param (param()){
-                               if ($param =~ /t:(\d+)/){
-                                       $moveThread->execute(param('board'),$1,$board->{id}) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-                                       if ($moveThread->rows > 0){
-                                               log_message $ND::UID, qq{Moved thread: $1 to board: }.param('board');
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       $DBH->commit or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               }
-               if($thread && param('cmd') eq 'Sticky' && $thread->{moderate}){
-                       if ($DBH->do(q{UPDATE forum_threads SET sticky = TRUE WHERE ftid = ?}, undef,$thread->{id})){
-                               $thread->{sticky} = 1;
-                       }else{
-                               warn $DBH->errstr;
-                       }
-               }
-               if($thread && param('cmd') eq 'Unsticky' && $thread->{moderate}){
-                       if ($DBH->do(q{UPDATE forum_threads SET sticky = FALSE WHERE ftid = ?}, undef,$thread->{id})){
-                               $thread->{sticky} = 0;
-                       }else{
-                               warn $DBH->errstr;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       if ($thread){ #Display the thread
-               $BODY->param(Title =>  $thread->{subject});
-               $BODY->param(FBID =>  $thread->{fbid});
-               $BODY->param(Board =>  $thread->{board});
-               $BODY->param(FTID =>  $thread->{id});
-               $BODY->param(Moderate =>  $thread->{moderate});
-               $BODY->param(Sticky =>  $thread->{sticky} ? 'Unsticky' : 'Sticky');
-               $BODY->param(Thread => viewForumThread $thread);
-               my ($category) = $DBH->selectrow_array(q{SELECT category FROM forum_categories WHERE fcid = $1}
-                       ,undef,$thread->{fcid}) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $BODY->param(Category =>  $category);
-       }elsif(defined $self->{allUnread}){ #List threads in this board
-               $BODY->param(AllUnread => 1);
-               my $threads = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fcid,category,fbid,board,ft.ftid AS id,u.username,ft.subject,
-               count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread,count(fp.fpid) AS posts,
-               date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post,
-               min(fp.time)::date as posting_date, ft.sticky
-               FROM forum_categories fc 
-                       JOIN forum_boards fb USING (fcid) 
-                       JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
-                       JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
-                       JOIN users u ON u.uid = ft.uid
-                       LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $1) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
-               WHERE fbid > 0 AND
-                       fb.fbid IN (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access WHERE gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
-               GROUP BY fcid,category,fbid,board,ft.ftid, ft.subject,ft.sticky,u.username
-               HAVING count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) >= 1 
-               ORDER BY fcid,fbid,sticky DESC,last_post DESC});
-               my ($time) = $DBH->selectrow_array('SELECT now()::timestamp',undef);
-               $BODY->param(Date => $time);
-               $threads->execute($ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               my @categories;
-               my $category = {fcid => 0};
-               my $board = {id => 0};
-               while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       if ($category->{fcid} != $thread->{fcid}){
-                               delete $category->{fcid};
-                               $category = {fcid => $thread->{fcid}, category => $thread->{category}};
-                               push @categories,$category;
-                       }
-                       if ($board->{id} != $thread->{fbid}){
-                               $board = {id => $thread->{fbid}, board => $thread->{board}};
-                               push @{$category->{Boards}},$board;
-                       }
-                       delete $thread->{fcid};
-                       delete $thread->{fbid};
-                       delete $thread->{category};
-                       delete $thread->{board};
-                       push @{$board->{Threads}},$thread;
-               }
-               delete $category->{fcid};
-               $BODY->param(Categories => \@categories);
-       }elsif($board){ #List threads in this board
-               $BODY->param(ViewBoard => 1);
-               $BODY->param(Title => $board->{board});
-               $BODY->param(Post => $board->{post});
-               $BODY->param(Moderate => $board->{moderate});
-               $BODY->param(Id => $board->{id});
-               $BODY->param(FBID => $board->{id});
-               $BODY->param(Board => $board->{board});
-               my ($time) = $DBH->selectrow_array('SELECT now()::timestamp',undef);
-               $BODY->param(Date => $time);
-               my $threads = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid AS id,u.username,ft.subject
-                       ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread,count(fp.fpid) AS posts
-                       ,date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post
-                       ,min(fp.time)::date as posting_date, ft.sticky
-                       FROM forum_threads ft 
-                               JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
-                               JOIN users u ON u.uid = ft.uid
-                               LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
-                       WHERE ft.fbid = $1
-                       GROUP BY ft.ftid, ft.subject,ft.sticky,u.username
-                       ORDER BY sticky DESC,last_post DESC
-               }) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $threads->execute($board->{id},$ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               my @threads;
-               while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       push @threads,$thread;
-               }
-               $BODY->param(Threads => \@threads);
-               if ($board->{moderate}){
-                       my $categories = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fcid AS id,category FROM forum_categories ORDER BY fcid});
-                       my $boards = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fb.fbid AS id,fb.board, bool_or(fa.post) AS post
-                               FROM forum_boards fb NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa
-                               WHERE fb.fcid = $1 AND
-                                       gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
-                               GROUP BY fb.fbid,fb.board
-                               ORDER BY fb.fbid
-                       });
-                       $categories->execute or warn $DBH->errstr;
-                       my @categories;
-                       while (my $category = $categories->fetchrow_hashref){
-                               $boards->execute($category->{id},$ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-                               my @boards;
-                               while (my $b = $boards->fetchrow_hashref){
-                                       next if (not $b->{post} or $b->{id} == $board->{id});
-                                       delete $b->{post};
-                                       push @boards,$b;
-                               }
-                               $category->{Boards} = \@boards;
-                               delete $category->{id};
-                               push @categories,$category if @boards;
-                       }
-                       $BODY->param(Categories => \@categories);
-               }
-               my ($category) = $DBH->selectrow_array(q{SELECT category FROM forum_categories WHERE fcid = $1}
-                       ,undef,$board->{fcid}) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $BODY->param(Category =>  $category);
-       }else{ #List boards
-               $BODY->param(Overview => 1);
-               my $boards = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fcid,category,fb.fbid AS id,fb.board
-                       ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.fpid::BOOLEAN,FALSE)
-                               AND COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread
-                       ,date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post
-                       FROM forum_categories
-                               JOIN forum_boards fb USING (fcid)
-                               LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
-                               LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid)
-                               LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $1) ftv USING (ftid)
-                       WHERE EXISTS (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access WHERE fbid = fb.fbid AND gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
-                       GROUP BY fcid,category,fb.fbid, fb.board
-                       ORDER BY fcid,fb.fbid
-               });
-               $boards->execute($ND::UID) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               my @categories;
-               my $category = {fcid => 0};
-               while (my $board = $boards->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       if ($category->{fcid} != $board->{fcid}){
-                               delete $category->{fcid};
-                               $category = {fcid => $board->{fcid}, category => $board->{category}};
-                               push @categories,$category;
-                       }
-                       delete $board->{fcid};
-                       delete $board->{category};
-                       push @{$category->{Boards}},$board;
-               }
-               delete $category->{fcid};
-               $BODY->param(Categories => \@categories);
-       }
-       return $BODY;
diff --git a/NDWeb/Pages/Forum/Search.pm b/NDWeb/Pages/Forum/Search.pm
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1789bc7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#   Copyright (C) 2006 by Michael Andreen <harvATruinDOTnu>               *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
-#   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-#                                                                         *
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
-#   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
-#                                                                         *
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
-#   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
-#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
-#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
-package NDWeb::Pages::Forum::Search;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use NDWeb::Forum;
-use CGI qw/:standard/;
-use NDWeb::Include;
-use ND::Include;
-use base qw/NDWeb::Pages::Forum/;
-sub render_body {
-       my $self = shift;
-       my ($BODY) = @_;
-       my $DBH = $self->{DBH};
-       $self->{TITLE} = 'Forum';
-       my @queries;
-       if (param('search')){
-               push @queries,'('.param('search').')';
-       }
-       my %cat = (body => 'D', topic => 'A', author => 'B');
-       for ('body','topic','author'){
-               if (param($_)){
-                       my @words = split /\W+/,param($_);
-                       my $op = param('all'.$_) ? '&' : '|';
-                       my $cat = $cat{$_};
-                       my $query = join " $op ", map {"$_:$cat"} @words;
-                       push @queries,"($query)";
-               }
-       }
-       my $search = join ' & ', @queries;
-       if ($search){
-               my $posts = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT fp.ftid,u.username,ft.subject
-                       ,ts_headline(fp.message,to_tsquery($2)) AS headline
-                       ,ts_rank_cd(fp.textsearch, to_tsquery($2),32) AS rank
-                       FROM forum_boards fb 
-                               JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
-                               JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid)
-                               JOIN users u ON fp.uid = u.uid
-                       WHERE fb.fbid IN (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access 
-                                       WHERE gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
-                               AND fp.textsearch @@@ to_tsquery($2)
-                       ORDER BY rank DESC
-               }) or warn $DBH->errstr;
-               $posts->execute($ND::UID,$search) or warn escapeHTML $DBH->errstr;
-               my @posts;
-               while (my $post = $posts->fetchrow_hashref){
-                       push @posts,$post;
-               }
-               $BODY->param(SearchResult => \@posts);
-       }
-       return $BODY;
diff --git a/lib/ND b/lib/ND
index 245cb3b058157d719b02be466e1b4deaa72fc986..30f707022d89930d31a3d6c83a788f182f65bbaf 160000 (submodule)
--- a/lib/ND
+++ b/lib/ND
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 245cb3b058157d719b02be466e1b4deaa72fc986
+Subproject commit 30f707022d89930d31a3d6c83a788f182f65bbaf
index 85bbf831de6fd811d83c6d571e07e635e8900e79..00c8f008af6b3418a3c62f6386b44ccd0ed8905a 100644 (file)
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ use warnings;
 use Catalyst::Runtime '5.70';
+#Need to preload, otherwise the first hit is slow
+use CGI qw/:standard/;
 # Set flags and add plugins for the application
 #         -Debug: activates the debug mode for very useful log messages
diff --git a/lib/NDWeb/Controller/Forum.pm b/lib/NDWeb/Controller/Forum.pm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d242ed9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+package NDWeb::Controller::Forum;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
+use NDWeb::Include;
+=head1 NAME
+NDWeb::Controller::Forum - Catalyst Controller
+Catalyst Controller.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 index 
+sub index :Path :Args(0) {
+       my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $boards = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fcid,category,fb.fbid,fb.board
+                       ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.fpid::BOOLEAN,FALSE)
+                               AND COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread
+                       ,date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post
+                       FROM forum_categories
+                               JOIN forum_boards fb USING (fcid)
+                               LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
+                               LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid)
+                               LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $1) ftv USING (ftid)
+                       WHERE EXISTS (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access WHERE fbid = fb.fbid AND gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
+                       GROUP BY fcid,category,fb.fbid, fb.board
+                       ORDER BY fcid,fb.fbid
+               });
+               $boards->execute($c->stash->{UID});
+       my @categories;
+       my $category = {fcid => 0};
+       while (my $board = $boards->fetchrow_hashref){
+               if ($category->{fcid} != $board->{fcid}){
+                       $category = {fcid => $board->{fcid}, category => $board->{category}};
+                       push @categories,$category;
+               }
+               push @{$category->{boards}},$board;
+       }
+       $c->stash(categories => \@categories);
+sub allUnread : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $threads = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fcid,category,fbid,board,ft.ftid,u.username,ft.subject,
+               count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread,count(fp.fpid) AS posts,
+               date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post,
+               min(fp.time)::date as posting_date, ft.sticky
+               FROM forum_categories fc 
+                       JOIN forum_boards fb USING (fcid) 
+                       JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
+                       JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
+                       JOIN users u ON u.uid = ft.uid
+                       LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $1) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
+               WHERE fbid > 0 AND
+                       fb.fbid IN (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access WHERE gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
+               GROUP BY fcid,category,fbid,board,ft.ftid, ft.subject,ft.sticky,u.username
+               HAVING count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) >= 1 
+               ORDER BY fcid,fbid,sticky DESC,last_post DESC
+               });
+       $threads->execute($c->stash->{UID});
+       my @categories;
+       my $category = {fcid => 0};
+       my $board = {fbid => 0};
+       while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
+               if ($category->{fcid} != $thread->{fcid}){
+                       $category = {fcid => $thread->{fcid}, category => $thread->{category}};
+                       push @categories,$category;
+               }
+               if ($board->{fbid} != $thread->{fbid}){
+                       $board = {fbid => $thread->{fbid}, board => $thread->{board}};
+                       push @{$category->{boards}},$board;
+               }
+               delete $thread->{fcid};
+               delete $thread->{fbid};
+               delete $thread->{category};
+               delete $thread->{board};
+               push @{$board->{threads}},$thread;
+       }
+       $c->stash(categories => \@categories);
+       $c->stash(time => $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT now()::timestamp',undef));
+sub search : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my @queries;
+       if ($c->req->param('search')){
+               push @queries,'('.$c->req->param('search').')';
+       }
+       my %cat = (body => 'D', topic => 'A', author => 'B');
+       for ('body','topic','author'){
+               if ($c->req->param($_)){
+                       my @words = split /\W+/,$c->req->param($_);
+                       my $op = $c->req->param('all'.$_) ? '&' : '|';
+                       my $cat = $cat{$_};
+                       my $query = join " $op ", map {"$_:$cat"} @words;
+                       push @queries,"($query)";
+               }
+       }
+       my $search = join ' & ', @queries;
+       if ($search){
+               my $posts = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fp.ftid,u.username,ft.subject
+                       ,ts_headline(fp.message,to_tsquery($2)) AS headline
+                       ,ts_rank_cd(fp.textsearch, to_tsquery($2),32) AS rank
+                       FROM forum_boards fb 
+                               JOIN forum_threads ft USING (fbid)
+                               JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid)
+                               JOIN users u ON fp.uid = u.uid
+                       WHERE fb.fbid IN (SELECT fbid FROM forum_access 
+                                       WHERE gid IN (SELECT groups($1)))
+                               AND fp.textsearch @@@ to_tsquery($2)
+                       ORDER BY rank DESC
+               });
+               eval {
+                       $posts->execute($c->stash->{UID},$search);
+                       my @posts;
+                       while (my $post = $posts->fetchrow_hashref){
+                               push @posts,$post;
+                       }
+                       $c->stash(searchresults => \@posts);
+               };
+               if ($@){
+                       $c->stash( searcherror => $dbh->errstr);
+               }
+       }
+sub board : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $board ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->stash(time => $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT now()::timestamp',undef));
+       $c->forward('findBoard');
+       $board = $c->stash->{board};
+       my $threads = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid,u.username,ft.subject
+               ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread,count(fp.fpid) AS posts
+               ,date_trunc('seconds',max(fp.time)::timestamp) as last_post
+               ,min(fp.time)::date as posting_date, ft.sticky
+               FROM forum_threads ft 
+                       JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
+                       JOIN users u ON u.uid = ft.uid
+                       LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
+               WHERE ft.fbid = $1
+               GROUP BY ft.ftid, ft.subject,ft.sticky,u.username
+               ORDER BY sticky DESC,last_post DESC
+       });
+       $threads->execute($board->{fbid},$c->stash->{UID});
+       my @threads;
+       while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
+               push @threads,$thread;
+       }
+       $c->stash(threads => \@threads);
+       if ($board->{moderate}){
+               my $categories = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fcid,category FROM forum_categories ORDER BY fcid});
+               my $boards = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fb.fbid,fb.board, bool_or(fa.post) AS post
+                       FROM forum_boards fb NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa
+                       WHERE fb.fcid = $1 AND
+                               gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
+                       GROUP BY fb.fbid,fb.board
+                       ORDER BY fb.fbid
+               });
+               $categories->execute;
+               my @categories;
+               while (my $category = $categories->fetchrow_hashref){
+                       $boards->execute($category->{fcid},$c->stash->{UID});
+                       my @boards;
+                       while (my $b = $boards->fetchrow_hashref){
+                               next if (not $b->{post} or $b->{fbid} == $board->{fbid});
+                               push @boards,$b;
+                       }
+                       $category->{boards} = \@boards;
+                       push @categories,$category if @boards;
+               }
+               $c->stash(categories => \@categories);
+       }
+sub thread : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->forward('findThread');
+       $thread = $c->stash->{thread};
+       my $posts = $dbh->prepare(q{
+               SELECT u.username,date_trunc('seconds',fp.time::timestamp) AS time
+                       ,fp.message,COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE) AS unread
+               FROM forum_threads ft
+                       JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid)
+                       JOIN users u ON u.uid = fp.uid
+                       LEFT OUTER JOIN 
+                               (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
+               WHERE ft.ftid = $1
+               ORDER BY fp.time ASC
+               });
+       $posts->execute($c->stash->{thread}->{ftid},$c->stash->{UID});
+       my @posts;
+       while (my $post = $posts->fetchrow_hashref){
+               $post->{message} = parseMarkup($post->{message});
+               push @posts,$post;
+       }
+       $c->stash(posts => \@posts);
+       $c->forward('markThreadAsRead') if $c->user_exists;
+sub markBoardAsRead : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $board, $time ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->forward('findBoard');
+       $board = $c->stash->{board};
+       my $threads = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid,ft.subject
+                       ,count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) AS unread
+                       ,count(fp.fpid) AS posts, max(fp.time)::timestamp as last_post
+                       FROM forum_threads ft 
+                               JOIN forum_posts fp USING (ftid) 
+                               LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM forum_thread_visits WHERE uid = $2) ftv ON ftv.ftid = ft.ftid
+                       WHERE ft.fbid = $1 AND fp.time <= $3
+                       GROUP BY ft.ftid, ft.subject
+                       HAVING count(NULLIF(COALESCE(fp.time > ftv.time,TRUE),FALSE)) >= 1
+               });
+       $threads->execute($board->{fbid},$c->user->id,$time);
+       $dbh->begin_work;
+       while (my $thread = $threads->fetchrow_hashref){
+               $c->forward('markThreadAsRead',[$thread->{ftid}]);
+       }
+       $dbh->commit;
+       $c->res->redirect($c->req->referer);
+sub markThreadAsRead : Private {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $rows = $dbh->do(q{UPDATE forum_thread_visits SET time = now() 
+               WHERE uid =     $1 AND ftid = $2
+               },undef,$c->user->id,$thread);
+       if ($rows == 0){
+               $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO forum_thread_visits (uid,ftid)
+                       VALUES ($1,$2)}
+                       ,undef,$c->user->id,$thread);
+       }
+sub moveThreads : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $board ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->forward('findBoard',[$c->req->param('board')]);
+       my $toboard = $c->stash->{board};
+       unless ($toboard->{moderate}){
+               $c->acl_access_denied('test',$c->action,'No moderator access for target board.')
+       }
+       $c->forward('findBoard');
+       $board = $c->stash->{board};
+       unless ($board->{moderate}){
+               $c->acl_access_denied('test',$c->action,'No moderator access for source board.')
+       }
+       my $log = "Moved these threads:\n\n";
+       $dbh->begin_work;
+       my $moveThread = $dbh->prepare(q{UPDATE forum_threads SET fbid = $1 WHERE ftid = $2 AND fbid = $3});
+       for my $param ($c->req->param){
+               if ($param =~ /t:(\d+)/){
+                       $moveThread->execute($toboard->{fbid},$1,$board->{fbid});
+                       if ($moveThread->rows > 0){
+                               $log .= "$1\n";
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       $log .= "\nFrom board: $board->{board} ($board->{fbid})";
+       $log .= "\nTo board: $toboard->{board} ($toboard->{fbid})";
+       $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO forum_posts (ftid,uid,message)
+               VALUES((SELECT ftid FROM users WHERE uid = $1),$1,$2)
+               }, undef, $c->user->id, $log);
+       $dbh->commit;
+       $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('board',$board->{fbid}));
+sub newThread : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $board ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->forward('findBoard');
+       $board = $c->stash->{board};
+       unless ($c->stash->{board}->{post}){
+               $c->acl_access_denied('test',$c->action,'No post access to board.')
+       }
+       my $insert = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO forum_threads (ftid,fbid,subject,uid)
+               VALUES(DEFAULT,$1,$2,$3) RETURNING (ftid);
+               });
+       $insert->execute($board->{fbid},html_escape($c->req->param('subject')),$c->stash->{UID});
+       my $thread = $insert->fetchrow;
+       $insert->finish;
+       $c->forward('addPost',[$thread]);
+sub addPost : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       if ($c->req->param('cmd') eq 'Submit'){
+               $c->forward('findThread');
+               unless ($c->stash->{thread}->{post}){
+                       $c->acl_access_denied('test',$c->action,'No post access to board.')
+               }
+               $c->forward('insertPost');
+               $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('thread',$thread));
+       }elsif ($c->req->param('cmd') eq 'Preview'){
+               $c->forward('thread');
+               $c->forward('previewPost');
+               $c->stash(template => 'forum/thread.tt2');
+       }
+sub setSticky : Local {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread, $sticky ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       $c->forward('findThread');
+       unless ($c->stash->{thread}->{moderate}){
+               $c->acl_access_denied('test',$c->action,'No moderator access to board.')
+       }
+       $dbh->do(q{UPDATE forum_threads SET sticky = $2 WHERE ftid = $1}
+               , undef,$thread, $sticky);
+       $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('thread',$thread));
+sub findThread : Private {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $findThread = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT ft.ftid,ft.subject, bool_or(fa.post) AS post
+               , bool_or(fa.moderate) AS moderate,ft.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid,ft.sticky,fc.category
+               FROM forum_boards fb
+                       NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa
+                       NATURAL JOIN forum_threads ft
+                       NATURAL JOIN forum_categories fc
+               WHERE ft.ftid = $1 AND gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
+               GROUP BY ft.ftid,ft.subject,ft.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid,ft.sticky,fc.category
+       });
+       $thread = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($findThread,undef,$thread,$c->stash->{UID});
+       $c->stash(thread => $thread);
+sub findBoard : Private {
+       my ( $self, $c, $board ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $boards = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT fb.fbid,fb.board, bool_or(fa.post) AS post, bool_or(fa.moderate) AS moderate,fb.fcid, fc.category
+                       FROM forum_boards fb 
+                               NATURAL JOIN forum_access fa
+                               NATURAL JOIN forum_categories fc
+                       WHERE fb.fbid = $1 AND
+                               gid IN (SELECT groups($2))
+                       GROUP BY fb.fbid,fb.board,fb.fcid,fc.category
+               });
+       $board = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($boards,undef,$board,$c->stash->{UID});
+       $c->stash(board => $board);
+sub previewPost : Private {
+       my ( $self, $c) = @_;
+       push @{$c->stash->{posts}}, {
+               unread => 1,
+               username => 'PREVIEW',
+               message => parseMarkup(html_escape $c->req->param('message')),
+       };
+       $c->stash(previewMessage => html_escape $c->req->param('message'));
+sub insertPost : Private {
+       my ( $self, $c, $thread ) = @_;
+       my $dbh = $c->model;
+       my $insert = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO forum_posts (ftid,message,uid)
+               VALUES($1,$2,$3)});
+       $insert->execute($thread,html_escape($c->req->param('message')),$c->stash->{UID});
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Michael Andreen (harv@ruin.nu)
+=head1 LICENSE
+GPL 2.0, or later.
index e35567a6d3ce5c9b970b00e228b2c99545dc0fc6..ff5a8825a20fc9f39ec0e62cea7ad0b6bdcfb389 100644 (file)
@@ -22,11 +22,16 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 require Exporter;
 use BBCode::Parser;
+use CGI qw/:standard/;
 our @ISA = qw/Exporter/;
 our @EXPORT = qw/parseMarkup min max
-       alliances intelquery /;
+       alliances intelquery html_escape/;
+sub html_escape($) {
+       return CGI::escapeHTML @_;
 sub parseMarkup ($) {
        my ($text) = @_;
diff --git a/root/src/forum/allUnread.tt2 b/root/src/forum/allUnread.tt2
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..26f9724
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+[% META title = 'Forum unread posts' %]
+<h2>All new posts</h2>
+<table class="boards">
+       <th>Unread</th>
+       <th>Total</th>
+       <th>Subject</th>
+       <th>Posted</th>
+       <th>Creator</th>
+       <th>Last post</th>
+[% FOR category IN categories %]
+       <tr><th colspan="2">[% category.category %]</th></tr>
+       [% FOR board IN category.boards %]
+       <tr>
+               <th></th>
+               <th colspan="2"><a href="[% c.uri_for('board',board.fbid) %]">[% board.board %]</th>
+               <th colspan="2"><a href="[% c.uri_for('markBoardAsRead',board.fbid,time) %]">Mark threads as read</a></th>
+       </tr>
+               [% FOR thread IN board.threads %]
+       <tr class="[% IF loop.count % 2 == 0 %]even[% ELSE %]odd[% END %]">
+               <td align="center">[% thread.unread %]</td>
+               <td align="center">[% thread.posts %]</td>
+               <td[% IF thread.sticky %] class="sticky"[% END %]><a href="[% c.uri_for('thread',thread.ftid)%]#NewPosts">&nbsp;[% thread.subject %]&nbsp;</a></td>
+               <td align="left">[% thread.posting_date %]</td>
+               <td align="center">[% thread.username %]</td>
+               <td align="left">[% thread.last_post %]</td>
+       </tr>
+               [% END %]
+       [% END %]
+[% END %]
diff --git a/root/src/forum/board.tt2 b/root/src/forum/board.tt2
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f158e65
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+[% META title = 'Forum board' %]
+<h2>[% board.category %] - [% board.board %]</h2>
+[% IF UID > 0 %]<p><a href="[% c.uri_for('markBoardAsRead',board.fbid,time) %]">Mark threads as read</a></p>[% END %]
+<form action="[% c.uri_for('moveThreads',board.fbid) %]" method="post">
+<table class="boards">
+       <th>Unread</th>
+       <th>Total</th>
+       <th>Subject</th>
+       <th>Posted</th>
+       <th>Creator</th>
+       <th>Last post</th>
+[% FOR thread IN threads %]
+       <tr class="[% IF loop.count % 2 == 0 %]even[% ELSE %]odd[% END %]">
+               <td align="center">[% thread.unread %]</td>
+               <td align="center">[% thread.posts %]</td>
+               <td[% IF thread.sticky %] class="sticky"[% END %]><a href="[% c.uri_for('thread',thread.ftid)%]#NewPosts">&nbsp;[% thread.subject %]&nbsp;</a></td>
+               <td align="left">[% thread.posting_date %]</td>
+               <td align="center">[% thread.username %]</td>
+               <td align="left">[% thread.last_post %]</td>
+               [% IF board.moderate %]
+               <td><input type="checkbox" name="t:[% thread.ftid %]"></td>
+               [% END %]
+       </tr>
+[% END %]
+[% IF board.moderate %]
+<p>Move checked threads to:
+<select name="board">
+[% FOR category IN categories %]
+       <optgroup label="[% category.category %]">
+       [% FOR targetboard IN category.boards %]
+               <option value="[% targetboard.fbid %]">[% targetboard.board %]</option>
+       [% END %]
+       </optgroup>
+[% END %]
+<input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Move">
+[% END %]
+[% IF board.post %]
+<form action="[% c.uri_for('newThread',board.fbid) %]" method="post"><fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>New Thread</legend>
+       <p>Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" value=""></p>
+       <textarea rows="25" cols="60" name="message"></textarea>
+       <br>
+       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Submit">
+       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Preview">
+[% END %]
diff --git a/root/src/forum/index.tt2 b/root/src/forum/index.tt2
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..51a941d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+[% META title = 'Forum overview' %]
+<table class="boards">
+       <th>Unread</th>
+       <th>Board</th>
+       <th>Last post</th>
+[% FOR category IN categories %]
+       <tr><th colspan="2">[% category.category %]</th></tr>
+       [% FOR board IN category.boards %]
+       <tr class="[% IF loop.count % 2 == 0 %]even[% ELSE %]odd[% END %]">
+               <td align="center">[% board.unread %]</td>
+               <td><a href="[% c.uri_for('board',board.fbid) %]">[% board.board %]</a></td>
+               <td align="center">[% board.last_post %]</td>
+       </tr>
+       [% END %]
+[% END %]
diff --git a/root/src/forum/search.tt2 b/root/src/forum/search.tt2
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fdb338f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+[% META title = 'Forum search' %]
+<form action="[% c.uri_for('search') %]" method="post">
+<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Topic</legend>
+       Find posts with these words in the thread's topic<br>
+       <input style="width:98%" type="text" name="topic" value=""><br>
+       Require all words: <input type="checkbox" name="alltopic" value="1"><br>
+<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Body</legend>
+       Find posts with these words in the body<br>
+       <input style="width:98%" type="text" name="body" value=""><br>
+       Require all words: <input type="checkbox" name="allbody" value="1"><br>
+<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Usernames</legend>
+       Find posts written by one these users<br>
+       <input style="width:98%" type="text" name="author" value=""><br>
+<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Custom search</legend>
+       Use | (OR) or &amp; (AND) to separate words. Word:A searches for Word in
+       topic and Word:B searches for Word as author. 'Two words' to search for a
+       longer string. Word:D limits the search to just the message body.
+       <p><input style="width:98%" type="text" name="search" value=""></p>
+<p><input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Search"></p>
+[% IF searcherror %]
+<p> Could not search, because of: </p>
+<p> [% searcherror | html %] </p>
+[% END %]
+[% IF searchresults %]
+       <th>Thread</th>
+       <th>Author</th>
+       <th>Message</th>
+       <th>Rank</th>
+       [% FOR post IN searchresults %]
+       <tr align="left" class="[% IF loop.count % 2 == 0 %]even[% ELSE %]odd[% END %]">
+               <td><a href="[% c.uri_for('thread',post.ftid) %]">&nbsp;[% post.subject %]&nbsp;</a></td>
+               <td>[% post.username %]</td>
+               <td align="center">[% post.headline %]</td>
+               <td>[% post.rank %]</td>
+       </tr>
+       [% END %]
+[% END %]
diff --git a/root/src/forum/thread.tt2 b/root/src/forum/thread.tt2
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..48fff18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+[% META title = 'Forum thread' %]
+<h2>[% thread.subject %]</h2>
+<h3>[% thread.category %] - <a href="[% c.uri_for('board',thread.fbid) %]">[% thread.board %]</a></h3>
+[% IF thread.moderate %]
+<a href="[% c.uri_for('setSticky',thread.ftid, (thread.sticky ? 0 : 1)) %]">Make this thread [% thread.sticky ? 'unsticky' : 'sticky' %]</a>
+[% END %]
+[% createNewPostHr = 1 %]
+[% FOR post IN posts %]
+       [% IF createNewPostHr AND post.unread%]
+       [% createNewPostHr = 0 %]
+<p><a name="NewPosts">New posts below:</a></p>
+       [% END %]
+<fieldset class="forum-post">
+<legend class="unread:[% post.unread %]"><b>[% post.username %]</b> : [% post.time %]</legend>
+       [% post.message %]
+[% END %]
+[% IF thread.post %]
+<form action="[% c.uri_for('addPost',thread.ftid) %]" method="post"><fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>New Reply</legend>
+       <textarea rows="25" cols="60" name="message">[% previewMessage %]</textarea>
+       <br>
+       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Submit">
+       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Preview">
+[% END %]
diff --git a/t/controller_Forum.t b/t/controller_Forum.t
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e737344
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+BEGIN { use_ok 'Catalyst::Test', 'NDWeb' }
+BEGIN { use_ok 'NDWeb::Controller::Forum' }
+ok( request('/forum')->is_success, 'Request should succeed' );
diff --git a/templates/forum.tmpl b/templates/forum.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 394264d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-<TMPL_IF Category>
-<a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=Page>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Category></a>
-- <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=Page>?b=<TMPL_VAR NAME=FBID>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Board></a>
-<TMPL_IF Thread>
-<TMPL_IF Moderate><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?t=<TMPL_VAR NAME=FTID>;cmd=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Sticky>">Make this thread <TMPL_VAR NAME=Sticky></a></TMPL_IF>
-<TMPL_IF ViewBoard>
-<p><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?b=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>;markAsRead=<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=URL NAME=DATE>">Mark threads as read</a></p>
-<form action="<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>#NewPosts" method="post">
-<input type="hidden" name="b" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"/>
-<table class="boards">
-       <th>Unread</th>
-       <th>Total</th>
-       <th>Subject</th>
-       <th>Posted</th>
-       <th>Creator</th>
-       <th>Last post</th>
-<TMPL_LOOP Threads>
-       <tr class="<TMPL_IF __odd__>odd<TMPL_ELSE>even</TMPL_IF>">
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Unread></td>
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Posts></td>
-               <td <TMPL_IF Sticky>class="sticky"</TMPL_IF>><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?t=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>#NewPosts">&nbsp;<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=NONE NAME=Subject>&nbsp;</a></td>
-               <td align="left"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Posting_date></td>
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Username></td>
-               <td align="left"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Last_post></td>
-               <TMPL_IF Moderate><td><input type="checkbox" name="t:<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"/></td></TMPL_IF>
-       </tr>
-<TMPL_IF Moderate>
-Move checked threads to: <select name="board">
-<TMPL_LOOP Categories>
-       <optgroup label="<TMPL_VAR NAME=Category>">
-       <TMPL_LOOP Boards>
-               <option value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Board></option>
-       </TMPL_LOOP>
-       </optgroup>
-<input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Move"/>
-<TMPL_IF Post>
-<form action="<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>#NewPosts" method="post"><fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>New Thread</legend>
-       <p>Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" value=""/></p>
-       <textarea rows="25" cols="60" name="message"></textarea>
-       <input type="hidden" name="b" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"/>
-       <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>"/>
-       <br/>
-       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Submit"/>
-       <input type="submit" name="cmd" value="Preview"/>
-<TMPL_IF Overview>
-<table class="boards">
-       <th>Unread</th>
-       <th>Board</th>
-       <th>Last post</th>
-<TMPL_LOOP Categories>
-       <tr><th colspan="2"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Category></th></tr>
-       <TMPL_LOOP Boards>
-       <tr class="<TMPL_IF __odd__>odd<TMPL_ELSE>even</TMPL_IF>">
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Unread></td>
-               <td><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?b=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Board></a></td>
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Last_post></td>
-       </tr>
-       </TMPL_LOOP>
-<TMPL_IF AllUnread>
-<h2>All new posts</h2>
-<table class="boards">
-       <th>Unread</th>
-       <th>Total</th>
-       <th>Subject</th>
-       <th>Posted</th>
-       <th>Creator</th>
-       <th>Last post</th>
-<TMPL_LOOP Categories>
-       <tr><th colspan="2"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Category></th></tr>
-       <TMPL_LOOP Boards>
-       <tr>
-               <th></th>
-               <th colspan="2"><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?b=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Board></a></th>
-               <th colspan="2"><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>/allUnread?b=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>;markAsRead=<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=URL NAME=DATE>">Mark threads as read</a></th>
-       </tr>
-               <TMPL_LOOP Threads>
-       <tr class="<TMPL_IF __odd__>odd<TMPL_ELSE>even</TMPL_IF>">
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Unread></td>
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Posts></td>
-               <td<TMPL_IF Sticky> class="sticky"</TMPL_IF>><a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>?t=<TMPL_VAR NAME=Id>#NewPosts">&nbsp;<TMPL_VAR ESCAPE=NONE NAME=Subject>&nbsp;</a></td>
-               <td align="left"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Posting_date></td>
-               <td align="center"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Username></td>
-               <td align="left"><TMPL_VAR NAME=Last_post></td>
-       </tr>
-               </TMPL_LOOP>
-       </TMPL_LOOP>
diff --git a/templates/forum/search.tmpl b/templates/forum/search.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 43890f4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<form action="/<TMPL_VAR NAME=PAGE>" method="post">
-<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Topic</legend>
-       Find posts with these words in the thread's topic<br/>
-       <input style="width:98%" type="text" name="topic" value=""/><br/>
-       Require all words: <input type="checkbox" name="alltopic" value="1"/><br/>
-<fieldset class="forum-post"> <legend>Body</legend>
-       Find posts with these words in the body<br/>
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diff --git a/templates/viewthread.tmpl b/templates/viewthread.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0bf6719..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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